new at lassitude & ennui: Selene rigged mesh ankle boots

Looks like I'm late to my own party! So I released those boots earlier this week and then totally forgot about blogging them. How embarrassing.

I finally took the plunge and made some rigged mesh boots - again! Despite all the drawbacks of not being able to resize, and Qarl's mesh deformer looming on the horizont, these were just too much fun when rigged to pass it up. So! Victorian ankle boots, yadda yadda, but with more of a heel than I usually make. And with a row of cute little buttons. And they move with your ankle! I didn't expect this to make such a difference, but it really livens up poses. Enough text!

I might have gone a little bit crazy with the colors. Now on to the boring details:

280L$ per single color, or 560L$ for a four color fatpack (dark, muted, bright or pastel)
mod / copy / no trans, but rigged mesh is not resizeable. You can still rename or tint it though.
Two sizes included, please try the free demo.

Get them at my main store or on the marketplace

As always, thanks for looking, and enjoy <3


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